These materials are all in PDF format and have been created and/or curated by Coach Larry to help you become a more knowledgeable and effective Track and Field coach.  Materials will be added, deleted and/or modified as the science of the sport of Athletics changes and improves.  You are strongly encouraged to become a Certified Track & Field Coach by taking coaching education courses at either USATF or USTFCCA - or both!


Training Rules and Philosophy

Performance Improvements

Coach Larry's Coaching Technique and Philosophy

Principles of Athletic Training

Coach Larry's Training Principles

Coach Larry's Short Season Training

John Wooden - 12 Lessons of Leadership

Pat Connally - Training Philosophy

Tony Holler - Feed The Cats - A Simple Plan

Vern Gambetta - Making Training Stick

Legal Ways to Improve and Enhance Athletic Performance

Nutrition Tips for Track and Field Athletes

Sleep and Athletic Performance

You Can’t Out-Train a Poor Diet

Skipped Sleep Hampers Performance

Injury Prevention

Athlete Motivation

Enduring Questions -- Does Stretching Prevent Injuries

Stretch After You Run

Motivating the Track Athlete

Most Important Factors Determining Performance

The Power of Positive Coaching

Plyometrics and Core

Sprinting and Speed Development

Core Stability Linked to Injury Prevention

5 Ways Athletes Do Plyometrics Wrong

Strengthen Your Core

3 Simple Ways to Transform Slow to Fast

6 Ways to Sprint Like A Champ

Developing Speed in the HS Athlete

Elements of a 100m Sprint

Is Your Sprinter a Diva or a Rock Star?

Long Slow Running Builds Long Slow Sprinters

Speed - Transform Slow to Fast

The Science of the 100-Meter Dash

Tom Tellez’ 5 Phases of the 100m Sprint

Understanding Speed


Drills and Technique

Identifying Potential Hurdlers - Developing Beginner Hurdlers

Starting Block Starts

Common Starting Block Mistakes

Sprint Acceleration and Maximum Velocity

The 5 Best Coaching Cues for Maximum Speed

Page Last Updated 9/24/23