
Banquet Video Links

Blooper Reel

Time To Say Goodbye

2009 Year in Review video is too long for online posting.
The DVD is available for purchase for $5.00.

2009 Track Team Award Winners

Most Points Contributed to the Team Award
[Awarded to the athlete who has compiled the highest number of points in competition]
David Christensen

Rookie of the Year Award

[Usually goes to a freshman but could go to any 1st year athlete who shows athleticism and great potential]
Aleqxander Williams & LeeAndrew Wilson

Leadership Award
[Awarded to the athlete who leads by example at every practice, every meet, on and off the track]
Anthony Christie

Sportsmanship Award
[Awarded to the athlete who shows support for the team and his teammates and represents the values of the Commerce Track & Field team]
Sean Young

Will Try Anything Award
[Awarded to the athlete willing to compete in any event for the good of the team]
Christopher Banks

Student-Athlete Award
[Awarded to the person who is a combination of talented athlete and gifted student]
David Christensen

Most Improved Award
[Awarded to the athlete who's performances this year were vastly improved from the previous year]
Luis Lopez

Dedication To The Team Award
[Awarded to the athlete who goes above and beyond for the good of the team]
Steven Sanchez

Best All-Around Award
[Awarded to the athlete consistently capable of scoring points in a wide variety of events]
Anthony Christie

Athlete of the Year Award
[Awarded to an athlete for extraordinary performances and accomplishments]
David Christensen